Puzzle Piece

Only God knows what the full puzzle will look like.

We see only one puzzle piece at a time.

It is easy to judge the end result without all of the evidence.

There is no evidence that your ending is going to end in disaster.

There is no evidence that you will not have trouble.

There is evidence that God will be with you every step of the way.

There is evidence that He knows exactly what he is doing and there is nothing you can do to stop him.

Don’t give your power away to unfinished endings.

Each day is a new day to give it all to Jesus.

Let him lead the way.

Back to Fishing

Sometimes we go back to the familiar.

we become complacent , bored, and unsure of what to do next.

Going back to who we once were, feels familiar, feels simple

but it does not propel us further into our destiny

Sarai Syndrome. 

Sarai syndrome. 

Waiting for something for years. So many years. The more you think about it, it all becomes tears. You’ve fought long and hard to be ok. Long and hard to believe the truth. The lies scream loudly and talk holding with no proof. The Sarai syndrome has got you again. Don’t forget you’re on your way to the promise land. Bumps and bruises will all occur. Many struggles and pain you will have to endure. Only the grace of God will get you through. Only your love for him can follow through. Your love for him will draw you near. Your love for him will be so clear. He will make a way where there is no way. Yet here you are again staring at a brick wall. You know the promise is true but it takes a long time to see. It’s not on your time but on Gods and only then will you see. You laugh, you get mad, you don’t understand. You’re frustrated , tired, weary for all the pain. Emotional, mental, spiritual, it’s all a drain. The only one to pull you through gave you a promise to hold onto. The promise keeps you going when you feel like giving up and throwing it all away. Then you remember there’s brighter days coming. The promise must come true. You’re not dead yet so there is still so much for you. So much for you to discover, experience, and enjoy. The hard times only make you stronger, better. They bring you close to God and his glory. He’s not afraid of your mess. He’s not afraid of your dirty. Bring it to him to cleanse you off and make you white as snow. Believe it will get better. Believe your heart will grow. Your roots will grow deeper and deeper rooted in him. Oh now wait the Sarai syndrome starts to begin. You spiral down all once again. Sinning seems likes it’s winning until you realize who you are again. You are chosen, you are destined, you are created to do great things. Your promise will change the world and you are raging within. You want to see what lies ahead and try to live in the now. You wonder how can you make it another day without the one thing you long for. Allow Christ to comfort your soul. Right before during and after the Sarai syndrome unfolds. 


for years you’ve been trying to resuscitate

the life that you once had

you realize , it was all fake.

everyone around you was a lie.

they were all living a lie.

you were the one being authentic in a fraudulent place.

you had your wake-up call but still feel like your life is asleep.

should you have back once you once had?

no , you’re waiting for something much better.

you are waiting for greater things to come forth and come ahead.

there are days you feel so dead inside again that you do and try anything to feel alive

even if that means going where you know you shouldn’t or are doing what you know you couldn’t,

all to relive the stress, the pain, the deadness,

the dead feeling of losing everything and gaining wisdom yet standing alone for the truth.

the truth is what you stand firm on now and you wont settle for less,

even if that means every now and then you gotta recognize real so you don’t lose yourself again.

don’t worry, one day you’ll have rest.

rest for your weary soul and worn down heart.

your heart will beat so loud you can hear it through your shirt.

your smile will be from ear to ear.

you will feel so alive and so free like nothing every happened before

and you will no longer remember the things of old.

all your hopes and dreams have come true and nothing or no one can stop you.

revival has shown up.

revival has been here

all this time

waiting for you to rise up

and appear.


Go where the love is. 

Go where people care about you. 

Go where you are accepted. 

Why try to make something work when it isn’t working?

Why keep lying to yourself as if the person or people will change?

You do not deserve the hurt or the pain. 

Life is too short to live it in misery. 

Misery hates its company. 

The abuser is not there to make you feel good or happy. 

They’re there to make you feel as miserable as they do and control your every move. 

They abuse. 

They use. 

Go be free. 

Get unused. 

Get unstuck. 

Believe you are worth more than you know. 

No abuse can make you lose hope. 

Be a Light

Some of us are stuck in the middle of where we want to be and where we are currently.

It is easy to forget we have a calling and a purpose to fulfill.

When your heart deeply wants to be satisfied with a longing, life can get blurry.

You wonder when the day will come when what you have been longing for is finally given to you.

Don’t forget to be a light.

Don’t let what you desparately want keep you from living a fulfilled life.

Don’t forget that you have a light burning inside of you with the hope of Jesus Christ.

You are needed in this world.

Keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.

You will see his beauty and goodness in everything you see.

Even in the waiting.

Even in the amount of time you have been patient, you will see God’s hand in it all.

The date, the time, the place of your breakthrough will mean more to you than you could ever imagine.

Let God do his work, you sit back , and enjoy the journey.

Remeber to do your part, do what he’s called you to do, and be a light.

You never know whose watching you and who needs to see your light shine.

Everything will be ok and turn out fine.

Maybe not in the way you want but in the way God always intended it to be.

Burn bright and let them all see.

Not If, But When

Its not a matter of if it will happen, but when.

Imagine yourself as a beautiful cake that is till baking.

You don’t want it to come out too soon too fast.

You want it to be just right so that when you take it out and it eat, it tastes so good.

If it is eaten too early, the taste will not be as good. You would have wished you would’ve waited. 

You would have wished you followed the directions, taking one step at a time following through completely.

Not rushing. No skipping. No jumping around.

Just taking one step each time without looking ahead to the finished product.

Embrace and enjoy every moment and every day.

You know it is going to happen.

Just not on your terms and how you want but how God wants.

His time is perfect.

His time will always taste like a perfectly baked decorated cake. 


rise up again , every time you fall

choose to have faith and believe God is in control

no one has power over your life and God is the author of your story

fight to believe it even when you don’t think you can



What is life without ups and down

without trials and tribulations

without tears or sadness

without high mountain tops, victories, joy, and praise?


Who wants it simple?

It’s not simple for anyone.

We all have stuff that is hard to get through but every time you get through it, life feels like worth living.

How Much Longer

Habakkuk brought his complaints to God and he waited for God to answer.

He knew God would reply and give him an answer.

His relationship with God was strong, pure and authentic.

Habakkuk held nothing back.

He told God his frustrations and wanted an answer as to why things were happening, as they did not seem right to him.

God knows what he is doing and we are so sure we know what is best for us at all times.

Yet through our pain, suffering, and striving, God is doing bigger, better, and greater things beyond all measure.